Friday, June 12, 2009

Twilight - Review

sebelum korang cakap pape. sila baca ini dahulu.

twilight mengisahkan, dari sudut pandangan pertama, seorang remaja perempuan, Isabella Swan, yang baru pindah dari tempat yang paling "sunshine" ke tempat yang paling "greenish".

beliau amat clumsy. atau makna kata lain - selak.

juga sangat negative thinker.

beliau pindah..cuba untuk sesuaikan kehidupan baru..masuk skola..kenal kengkawan. ala. macam drama2 omputih biasa. laki sana sini suka.

part mana vampire-nya??

rilekk..lambat lagi..

kenal kengkawan.jalan2..g pantai..bla.bla.bla..

owh.dalam bebanyak kengkawan dia kenal tu. terjumpa la mamat ni.
putih macam mayat. tak makan nasik. kadang2 datang sekolah, kadang2 tak. masa rehat duduk dengan adikbadik dia je.
dia juga selamatkan bella masa bella hampir kena langgar. dengan menggerakkan van dengan satu tangan.

dia vampire ke??

ntah. Bella tak tahu.

dah nak separuh buku, baru bella tahu. ooo...itu vampire..Bella takut?? mana buleh. tu cinta dia.

so, sana sini bekepit. macam biasa, macam kapel2 biasa.

aku dah hampir tiga perempat buku then only aku perasan, kalau la Edward Cullen a.k.a vampire ni orang biasa, ini adalah novel romantik biasa.

then. then. then. baru la part yang best nak masuk.

owh. aku lupa nak bagitau. femili Cullen tak minum darah orang. derang veggie. minum darah minatang je. veggie celah mana aku tatau.

then. then. then...masa Cullen sekeluarga sedang "berekriasi", datang la 3 sekawan vampire lain. vampire yang normal. makan orang punya. dan. sorang vampire ni, nak makan Bella.

this is actually scene that i've waited in this whole novel. vampire versus vampire. wouldnt it be great to imagine how two unimaginable power colapsing each other?

naaaaahh..tak de pun part lawan2. sangat mengecewakan aku.

tau2 vampire jahat dah mati. cehh~

macam biasa, vampire jahat mati. novel tammat. end.

" But outside the door to our Spanish class, leaning against the wall - looking more like a Greek God than anyone had a right to - Edward was waiting for me." page 206, para 2
dan kanak2 perempuan pun "aaaa~~~aa~~EDWARDDDDD~~!! "


hzrh said...

pehh..kau pilih gmbr seksi cadangan aku..auwww~~

helomynameisjaye said...

ko nak lawan2 ko tgk new moon rasenya the greatest battle would be among the volturis and vampires dari coven2 yg lain.huh aku gelak baca rebiu ko.summary bukan rebiu dik oi.

macha_sezs said...

owh.aku sikit lagi nak sampai part tu.

hahaha.aku tau. aku selit sikit2 je rebiu.
takut seh aku.
sebab aku baru baca orang pakar punye rebiu. dan aku olah balik segala.

this is the third attempt.


Max J. Potter said...

seriously, i mean like seriously, you have quite the amount of my respect to be able to finish it when i, as a girl, had the trouble equals to lifting a mountain just to finish the first chapter. what i can say about the book is: DOWNRIGHT BORING. i never finished the book, honestly. too weak of a plot and storytelling, for me.

i read the first chapter kat kedai buku. my fren, who was a big fan of twilight and edward cullen suggested that i try it. you mesti suka ni, she said. gila sedih on her part, when i finished the first chapter i said these,


'aiyo, mcm ni pun you cakap best? you takkan tak perasan si edward ni sgtlah dipuja bagai oleh meyer, like perfect mcm super-obsessed dgn karekter rekaan sendiri..sgt disgusting la. and why the hell-la sume ppuan nk jadi bella? gile bosan punye org, tak pretty, takde special traits and suddenly edward si perfect, of all the bloody sexy vampires yg available pegi fall in love dgn loser cam bella, i mean come on - konsep cinderella is so lapuk already la and tho all girls, practically all girls ckp cite cindrella tu lame, ramai gile yg suke dgn cite lain yg base-nnya girls mmg tak perasan ke, you girls ni hipokrit?'

dia mcm marah pulak kat komen nani yg berbaur menghina. jadi nani tukarlah angle.

'and the storytelling la, adoi - die tulis ni nak sape bace? i tak kisah cliche sebenarnya, asalkan the language is nice. ini bahasa angau je the whole chapter ni..sgtlah mabuk edward si meyer ni, you tak perasan ke? ayat straight2, gile in-love tulis diari psl crush mase darjah 6 punye level, takde belok2 metaphor and humor, bukanla i harap language cam tolongla make your story tu a fun plot to read and go ape luahan cinta hati budak sekolah rendah, heran la i.'

'if i want to read vampire stories, i have darren shan. and i do pike's the last vampire series. meyer punye vampire si edward sgt bapuk la, nisa. tak thrill lgsung. kalau you take out the fact that he is a vampire, takde ape yg akan berubah pada the whole story. it's JUST a love story, a very childish one at that, and the vampirism in it cuma hiasan saja, takde pon takpe.'

my friend pun semakin marah dgn nani. ah well. dia yang suruh nani baca dan komen. nani dh bg amaran awal yg i dont like stories with bapuks as the hero, die tanak dgr. >.<


basically, nani tak suka cerita mcm ni. too lame to be true. and i know lots of people hate/will hate me for that. but i dont really mind. i have read more books than most and i know what kinds of books deserve to be read, and what kind of heroes deserve to be drooled over.

in my fair opinion: Twilight is a very boring read since Bella is JUST ANOTHER Mary Sue and Edward sounds like he was written by a bapuk vampire-obsessed woman who self-inserts herself into Bella's shoes to feed her own vampiric fantasy which happens to be too childish to even be a teenage dream.

and syabas to you, because you finished HP and da vinci dgn usaha. that was really cool. =)

macha_sezs said...


Max J. Potter said...

haha. that was the most appropriate response. =)

suya said...

oke jgn lupe abiskan nu moon pastu cite kat ai yg pemalas bace buku ni..huhuhu

macha_sezs said...

baik suya!!

Darkkadabra said...

kalau tak bace novel die pun, takpe kan?

sebab takut2 la ade scene best yang dipotong dalam muvie.

scene best. dalami dua perkataan itu.

Anonymous said...

aku pn rase same mcm Darkk rase...

aku x penah hingin bace harry potter adek aku sebab aku dah puas dgr member maki hamun storyline movie die...

aku mahu enjoy tgk movie bukan sumpah seranah duit ticket aku... hehe

@tune® said...

bed time story pelis

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
|yanA Azizi| said... fav aku, mmg siyes, film die sgt mengecewakan novel die aku suke gile k. aku dah abes novel die dr twilight sampai la breaking dawn.best2.=D

Anonymous said...

aku suka mamat ni!!!!

kesan tapak kaki

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